

1. Assess the situation

When the company’s access control system loses power, it is important to first assess the situation. Determine whether it is a temporary power outage or a more significant issue. Check if other electrical devices in the building are functioning properly to rule out a general power failure. This initial assessment will help in understanding the extent of the problem and finding an appropriate solution.

2. Inform employees

Once the situation has been assessed, it is crucial to inform all employees about the issue. Use alternative communication methods such as email, phone calls, or instant messaging to reach out to everyone. Clearly explain the problem and provide instructions on how to proceed. It is important to ensure that employees are aware of any temporary changes in the access control procedures and any additional measures that need to be taken.


3. Implement temporary access control measures

In the absence of functioning electronic access control systems, temporary measures need to be implemented to maintain security. Assign security personnel to manually monitor and control access to the premises. This can be done by checking identification cards or using a sign-in sheet for employees and visitors. It is important to have a designated area where employees can sign in and out to keep track of who is present in the building.

4. Ensure emergency exits are accessible

During a power outage, it is crucial to ensure that emergency exits remain accessible at all times. Emergency lighting should be in place to guide employees in case of an evacuation. Regular checks should be conducted to ensure that emergency exit doors are not blocked or obstructed. This will help to maintain a safe working environment for all employees.

5. Communicate with the access control system provider

Contact the access control system provider to report the issue and seek assistance. They will be able to provide guidance on how to restore power to the system or troubleshoot any underlying problems. It is important to maintain open lines of communication with the provider to ensure a prompt resolution.

6. Conduct a post-incident review

Once power is restored and the access control system is functioning again, it is important to conduct a post-incident review. Evaluate the effectiveness of the temporary measures implemented during the power outage and identify any areas for improvement. This review will help in developing a contingency plan for future power outages or system failures.

In conclusion, when a company’s access control system loses power, it is essential to assess the situation, inform employees, implement temporary measures, ensure accessibility of emergency exits, communicate with the system provider, and conduct a post-incident review. By following these steps, the company can effectively manage the situation and maintain security during the power outage.




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